Trump’s Tweets Are Tough To Beat By Democrats

Any good news for the economy is good news for Trump and the new unemployment numbers means it’s a great day for the president.

The new unemployment numbers are out and Trump immediately went to Twitter to boast.

He has good reason to boast. After the great recession ten years ago, the economy has fully recovered and a lot of that has to do with the president.

The country is noticing the positive change too.

Rasmussen Reports just released its Presidential Tracking Poll and the numbers are looking pretty good. Trump’s approval rating for likely U.S. Voters jumped up to 51% with 48% disapproving.

Trump also tweeted a story in the Wall Street Journal about U.S. stocks widening their global lead.

Trump’s economy and approval ratings are closely related. If Trump continues sending tweets like the two above and stops sending mean tweets then the Republicans have a good chance at keeping the House in November and winning the White House again in 2020.

What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below.

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Connor A. Houston is a 2015 graduate of Liberty University Helms School of Government, rower, cellist, and a Research Fellow at Frontiers of Freedom. The opinions expressed are his own.