Is America’s Greatest Asset Trump’s Ego?


Trump’s ego and rhetoric have made a lot of people scared of the man elected president of the United States, but Trump’s ego could turn out to be America’s greatest asset.

The people that hate Trump the most believe he is an egomaniac and that the president-elect would have said anything to get elected, and they are probably right. He wasn’t a politician but became one real quick. Now he will be the next president.

What do we do now? This egomaniac has achieved the greatest success in America; he won the election to become the next president. What else is there to achieve?

That question is the key to my optimism for a Trump presidency. What else is there to achieve?

I tried to put myself in his shoes and look in the mirror. What would I say to myself if after running successful businesses and becoming an international celebrity and billionaire only to follow all of that with winning the most historic election in American history? I would say… “What else is there to achieve?”

There are two answers. 1. Take over the world or 2. Be such a good president that it will make people’s head spin.

I honestly don’t believe that Trump has globalist ambitions and despite the media, I don’t think he will be putting people in concentration camps and using nukes to respond to a “yo momma joke” made by an Iranian diplomat.

Many Americans feel a sense of hope and optimism with the president-elect. I’m hopeful in thinking that Trump’s ambitions, now that he has become the “most powerful person in the world”, will shift his ambitions to more righteous tasks.

There is only one logical path for Trump right now, and that is to work to try and clean up Washington’s corrupt political machine while trying to make every American’s life better. I don’t think he want’s to hurt or take away the rights of any American.

In fact, if I was advising Trump, I would suggest he come out with a press conference and make a pledge to communities like the LGBT or law abiding illegal immigrants. It would set some minds at ease and that is what is needed right now.

Trump is in the fight of his life now. He has to survive and unprecedented amount of death threats and find a way to put this country at ease. This is all before he takes office in January.

Then when he gets in office, he will have to really find ways to bring compromise back to Washington. That could be his greatest challenge.

Trump’s ego will lead him to be a good president and it will also help us keep him accountable. In his mind he has won, he has reached every goal he set and now it is time to give back. His ego demands it, and his desire to be the best could really be our greatest asset.

What do you think? Is Trump’s ego America’s greatest asset? Let me know in the comments below.

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