FBI Director Comey Shady on Wiretapping

You will never know what happened . . .

The media is repeating a stream of quotes from FBI Director James Comey from his congressional testimony today.

The media’s talking points including Comey saying that “no president” could order a wiretap and that they found no evidence to support President Trump’s twitter claim that President Obama wiretapped Trump Tower during the election.

What the media has ignored was Comey’s admission that he could not discuss any activity within the FISA court that could approve a request to electronically spy on an American.

FISA which is the abbreviation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, was enacted in 1978 and allows for collection of information on foreign agents and foreign powers.

Under the administration of George W. Bush, FISA powers were expanded to allow surveillance of any communication that occurs with entities overseas regardless if the conversation includes an American citizen on U.S. soil.

Additionally, FISA Courts grant approval for specific requests and the court is strictly secret.

If you were to read in between the lines of Comey’s testimony, you would find that he can’t rule out any spying on the Trump campaign as he cannot divulge any activity that occurred within the FISA Courts.

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Morgan is a freelance writer for a variety of publications covering popular culture, societal behavior and the political influences of each.