Honestly, What Will Happen If Trump Wins?

trump wins

The one thing that most liberals never considered is a Trump victory, but how will they respond to a if Trump actually wins?

Lets just pretend for a moment that liberals are tuned into MSNBC and CNN watching the election results and they start getting a sinking feeling.

They see the Electoral College numbers and Hillary doesn’t have as many as they thought she would. They watch Florida and North Carolina go to Trump and Hillary barely wins Virginia.

Then they really get worried when Michigan and Iowa go for Trump.

At this point, they take to Facebook and to Twitter to start talking about how Russia must be tampering with the numbers.

Then Hillary loses Texas and Utah and Colorado and all of sudden, real panic starts setting in. Trump is only a few states away from claiming victory and they realize for the first time that Trump could win.

They realize that Trump might win.

As the election drags on into the night, most will be to scared to watch the rest and go to sleep in their safe place with the hope that Hillary holds out.

They wake up to find Trump won the election and all hell breaks lose.

Facebook rants will be the first crack in the dam, but expect attacks in real life on Trump fans. Families will disown the Trump fans and every property Trump owns could be vandalized.

The people will turn to the talking heads on TV with no comfort. The networks are as baffled and angry as every other Hillary fan. The rivers will turn to blood and the stars will fall from the heavens.

Celebrities, who said they would move to other countries, actually do. Illegal immigrants will cry, liberal college students will need to seek counseling

Within a week there will be riots, and anyone celebrating a Trump win will be mocked and blamed for ruining this country. The liberals and Hillary’s crime family will go to the mattresses and they will attack and blame anyone they can.

Obama will be upset and he won’t go out and blame people like everyone else, he will just make Trump’s transition to the White House as painful and difficult as possible.

It will be a mess, and it will be the “tolerant” liberals that make it that way.

But to play devil’s advocate, what if Hillary wins, what will the Trump fans do?

Not much. Most Trump fans are voting for him to stand against the corruption of Hillary Clinton and the Democrats, but they also know that Hillary isn’t above cheating to win this election. Any rational Trump fan understands that Hillary is likely going to win if she gets the votes or not.

How do you think it will play out? Let us know in the comments below.

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