These “Tolerant” Liberals Leave Trump Supporters Bloodied


As the candidates get more vicious with their attacks to each other, the fans of Hillary and Bernie get more violent against Trump supporters.

Last night, fights broke out when hundreds of angry and violent protesters showed up at a Trump rally. The protesters threw eggs, intimidated, and in many cases threw punches at the Trump supporters.

We have seen this before, but not like this.

Notice one person wearing a communist shirt and another with a sign saying we need socialism.

Is this the future of the Democratic Party?

Donald Trump is a far cry from a perfect candidate, but his supporters are not violently attacking Bernie and Hillary supporters. A few have hit people inside of the rallies, but nothing like the vicious attacks we are seeing against Trump fans. Hundreds of Trump supporters have been beaten outside of a Trump events so far this year.

The Republican Party has some major issues right now, but with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan saying he will vote for Trump, it looks like things are settling down.

On the left, the Democratic Party is not even denouncing the violence of the protestors, and this is what we are seeing. (CAUTION: VIOLENCE AND EXPLICIT LANGUAGE)

The democratic process has come a long way in America, but we are clearly on the wrong path now.

Everything we are seeing is going to get worse before it gets better. Let’s just hope the leaders on the left start denouncing the violence and abusive language and urge their people to protest peacefully.

Do you think the violence will get worse this summer? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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Adam Campbell is a former military brat, who grew up all over the world--but considers Milwaukee, WI, where he and his wife currently live, to be his home. He enjoys reporting the real news, without bias.