105 Criminal Illegal Aliens Busted In “Sanctuary State” Rate

Border Patrol
God Bless Border patrol!

105 illegal aliens were arrested in an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raid in sanctuary state New Jersey.

More than 80 of those busted had prior criminal convictions or pending criminal charges, including four who had Interpol warrants–meaning they were international criminals who had fled justice.

Most troublingly, four were convicted child molesters or child abusers.

The majority of those arrested were from Mexico or Central America.

New Jersey was recently labeled a “sanctuary state” earlier this year by its Democratic governor… but that only means that local law enforcement officials won’t cooperate with federal agents, like ICE.

But ICE still has the ability to launch raids and make their own arrests… and it’s clear that President Donald Trump is putting his money where his mouth is when it comes to illegal immigration enforcement.

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Candice has almost 20 years of experience reporting for various conservative publications. When she's not writing, she enjoys being outdoors--especially camping, hiking, and hunting. She lives in Harrisburg, PA, with her husband.