According to a recent survey from Harvard University, more than half of millennials support the use of ground troops against ISIS after the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino.
But there’s a catch: they don’t actually want to fight themselves.
Despite 60% of millennials–a generation that, roughly speaking, is made up of those born between 1980 and 2000–who want to see the U.S. military take a more active role, a whopping 85% of the same people also said they wouldn’t join the military themselves.
The survey, which was first taken between October 30 and November 9, initially found that 47% of millennials wanted to invade ISIS.
But, after the attacks on Paris, questions were asked again–leading to the skyrocketing number of young people who feel that we should invade ISIS.
So long as other people are doing the actual fighting, of course.
With the draft having been eliminated in the 1970s, as the controversy of the Vietnam War began to dissolve, young people have grown up in a world where military service has always been completely voluntary.
And, considering many of their parents also came of age in a world where they also weren’t expected to serve in the military, the tradition of serving in the military is, often, considered a relic of the past.
But, as the world becomes progressively more dangerous in a world dominated by China, Russia, and Islamic extremism, it’s clear that it’s going to take a lot more than 15% of America’s young people who feel like they have the need to serve their country in the long run.