Trump’s Management Reforms Slash Bureaucratic Costs By 39%

Lazy Bureaucrat
Bureaucrats don't respond well to being expected to do an honest day's worth of work...

The Trump administration have cut the cost of the Obamacare Navigator Program by an incredible 39% The corruption riddled program gives grants to “navigators” who are supposed to help healthcare shoppers understand the Obamacare Exchanges.

Bringing his voluminous business experience to bear on the bureaucracy, President Trump has instituted a performance-based funding structure which utilizes modern data analysis techniques to save money and increase efficiency. In the few short months in which he has been in office, Trump has reduces costs by 39% while increasing performance and accountability.

Under to the Obama administration, the Navigators program received about $62.5 million and resulted in signing up 81,426 people for Obamacare coverage; however, that amounts to only 0.7% of the total number of enrollees.

Data shows that 17 navigators signed up a mere 100, costing about $5000 per enrollee. Data also found one Navigator had only signed up one enrollee even after receiving a grant of $200,000.

For the next period of enrolment, the Trump administration has come to the conclusion that Navigators should be given funding based on how much of their previous year’s enrolment goals they have achieved. For example, if a Navigator manages to sign up only 30% of its goal, it will not receive anything more than 30% of the previous year’s funds. Through this, the Trump administration hopes that there will be more accountability.

In the next enrolment period, $36.8 million will be awarded to 98 Navigators; indicating a significant 39% drop from the last enrolment period. Another $10 million will be spent of promoting Obamacare to both returning and new enrollees.

“Judging effectiveness by the amount of money spent and not the results achieved is irresponsible and unhelpful to the American people,” said Caitlin Oakley, press secretary at the Department of Health and Human Services. “Under the Trump administration, we’re committed to more responsible, effective government. Obamacare’s Navigator program has been ineffective. During the upcoming enrollment period, Navigators will be funded in proportion to their performance.”

“A health care system that has caused premiums to double and left nearly half of our counties with only one coverage option is not working,” she said. “The Trump administration is determined to serve the American people instead of trying to sell them a bad deal.”

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