Prostitutes in Toronto have more than police and STDs to worry about, now their jobs could be in jeopardy as the first North American hi-tech sex doll brothel.
Aura Dolls is opening on September 8th and will be the first of its kind in the US and Canada. According to their website, they have the “world’s most beautiful silicone ladies.”
Customers can enjoy six different dolls that appeal to all kinds of tastes. There is Scarlett who is labeled an “absolute American dream”, Yuki who is “submissive, innocent and playful” and Anna who is busty, romantic and spontaneous.
The time with the dolls will run you about the same as a good massage. One hour with one doll is $120 and $240 with two dolls. For a limited time you can get all the silicon loving you want for 25% off to celebrate the grand opening.
Why do we need hi-tech sex doll brothels? The people behind Aura Dolls don’t like the “restrictions and limitations” that a real partner comes with.
“Our vision is to bring you an exciting new way to achieve your needs without the many restrictions and limitations that a real partner may come with. We hope that way you can enjoy any fantasy or fetish you desire without judgment or shame bringing the ultimate sexual experience.” – Auro Dolls Website
Don’t worry, they thoroughly clean and sanitize each doll after use. On a side note, that might be one of the worst jobs ever.
Aura Dolls might be the first to open up in North America, but it won’t be the last hi-tech sex doll brothel. As technology, AI and robotics continue to make advancements, some people will be using the technology to cure diseases and make our lives easier. Some people will be building sex robots.
Do you want to visit at hi-tech doll brothel? Let us know in the comments below.