A Little Gift The Democrats Are Not Going To Like

Here’s my 2020 New Year’s gift to the Democratic Party. This is a teachable moment. I’m going to teach Democrats how real Americans think.

Democrats live in a bubble. They believe the lies, fraud and “fake news” spouted by Democratic politicians, CNN, MSNBC, PBS and the mainstream media. They are never exposed to anything else, so they have no idea what real Americans think.

Look at the makeup of the Democratic Party. To me, “real Americans” are those born in the United States or those who came here legally who actually earn a living and pay into the system. These are the American voters who have earned the right to decide the direction of America. I call them the Silent Majority.

There were two teachable moments in the past week. Liberals have no clue how the Silent Majority thinks. The liberal reaction to both incidents is nothing short of a disaster for the Democratic Party. So let me explain to Democrats how real Americans think about these two life-and-death events.

First, we have the Texas church shooting. A hero shot the perp dead in seconds with one shot through the head. Bravo. Standing ovation. But if he had missed, six more churchgoers were already armed and ready to run toward the evildoer.

This is exactly how we must stop acts of evil and terrorism. The Second Amendment is there to protect good people. The way to protect churches and synagogues is with armed security, trained and armed volunteers, and parishioners in the audience legally allowed to carry guns.

Government can’t save you. Police can’t save you. If it is to be, it is up to me. We all need to take personal responsibility and learn to protect ourselves. The citizens are the true first responders. We must all understand that, now more than ever. This is the clear lesson real Americans learned from this incident.

Second was President Donald Trump’s decision to kill Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani with a missile strike. Soleimani was evil personified. The second most powerful man in Iraq, Soleimani coordinated the murder of hundreds of American soldiers. He was planning many attacks against American interests in Iraq. President Trump blew him to hell.

The mullahs of Iran and bad guys across the world (think Kim Jong Un of North Korea) are now on notice. America is no longer a paper tiger. We will fight back. There is a new sheriff in town. If you attack America or Americans, we will hunt you down, and you will die.

Real Americans support President Trump’s decision 100%. We are high-fiving — and we think any Democrat or Hollywood celebrity who defends evil Iran is a traitor to America.
Are you listening, Reps. Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? Are you listening, Rose McGowan and John Cusack?

So liberals, please accept this New Year’s gift. Proceed with caution on the topics of good citizens with guns defending themselves from bad guys and America defending itself from evil, murdering terrorist regimes. Real Americans believe in peace through strength.
Get this wrong and your Democratic Party will cease to exist as a viable political party.

You’re welcome.


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