Breaking: Shocking, Undeniable Proof Of Hillary’s Corruption

project veritas

Project Veritas Action just released another video, and this one could be the worse one for the Clintons yet.

In this video, you will see undercover Project Veritas Action journalists record Bob Creamer and other DNC operatives boasting about their access to Hillary in order to get donations. Even foreign donations.

The undercover journalist posed as a wealthy donor that wanted to give money to Hillary to try and stop Trump.

Project Veritas Action undercover journalist actually gave $20,000 to the organization Americans United to earn the trust of Hillary’s team, but it was the talk of more money that is going to get the DNC in trouble. Plus the fact the money came from a bank in Belize.

Bob Creamer also expands on his relationship with Obama and hints that the tactics used in this election were also used by Bob to get Obama elected. “I’ve known the president since he was a community organizer in Chicago.”

See the brand new full video here. It is one you have to see to fully grasp the magnitude of the corruption.

The Project Veritas Action videos are not flashy and shocking in the same way that Trump’s “hot mic” recording was, but they are more startling and worrisome. Our very democracy is under attack.

Project Veritas Action has released four videos now that show the DNC and Hillary are working together to corrupt our democracy.

Thanks to James O’Keefe, the truth is getting out to the people. These videos are not going to have an affect on the election, but we are likely to see the real fallout over the next few years.

The scope and scale of the corruption is so massive that it will take some time to break it down, but Project Veritas Action is off to a great start.

So far Bob Creamer, a convicted felon, has resigned and Sott Foval has been fired. After this video, expect more heads to roll.

Thank you James O’Keefe and your team at Project Veritas Action for showing us the truth.

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