Donald Gets His Wall Built In California


Last summer when Donald Trump declared that he wanted to build a wall on our southern border, he started going up in the polls and critics got angry.

The controversial wall that Donald wants to build and have Mexico pay for has galvanized many Hispanics against Trump.

Violent protests with Hispanics holding signs saying “F*CK TRUMP”, have done little to stop the GOP nominee.

Now, one artist is taking a different approach to stand against Trump’s wall.

The artist Plastic Jesus is believed to have built a wall around the Hollywood star of Donald Trump. The wall even has barbed wire and little signs on it warning people to “keep out”.

The walled star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is a big social media hit. People are stopping to take pictures and to share it on Instagram and Facebook.

If you don’t like Trump, this is a much more effective way of voicing your opinion than just yelling, “F*UCK TRUMP” as seen in this video. (CAUTION STRONG LANGUAGE)

What do you think of the wall around Donald Trump’s star? Let us know in the comments below.

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Morgan is a freelance writer for a variety of publications covering popular culture, societal behavior and the political influences of each.