Into New Hampshire: Trump Takes A Dive In The Polls


Consultants surrounding Ted Cruz’s campaign are bouncing with joy with the latest polls. Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump has taken his biggest dive in the national polls to date.

Since February 3rd, a day after the Iowa Caucus, Trump has taken a cliff dive from 35.8% to 29.5%.

The drop is attributed, not to his second-place finish in Iowa, but how he handled the loss.

The Cruz camp should hold their enthusiasm as they face a serious threat from above and below.

Since Iowa, even with his disastrous debate performance, Marco “The Robot” Rubio has shot up from 10% support to nearly 18%. The Florida Senator is just three points from taking Cruz . . . something he has not done since the beginning of December.

Thankfully for Trump, polls are a fickle thing.

If the real estate mogul holds his lead in New Hampshire today, the recent poll dive will shoot back up to a commanding 37% lead or more.

The final poll in New Hampshire has Trump up by 16 points while Cruz has been pushed to a tight fourth place finish.

While Trump still refuses to put together a credible ground game, he has increased his media presence by putting his sons on the air . . . and they’ve done an impressive job for the candidate.

Here’s Eric Trump and Donald Jr. on Fox and Friends on Monday:

The boys also jumped in for a hunt in Iowa and did an impressive job of showing a true part of their lifestyle. Unlike other politicians who dress up like Elmer Fudd to pose for the camera, Eric and Donald Jr. gunned down a few pheasants to take home to the Trump dinner table. The NRA would be proud.


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But the efforts of Donald and his family will be in vain if he’s unable to take New Hampshire with the commanding lead he holds in the polls.

If the candidate stumbles as he did in Iowa, it may very well be “game over” for the billionaire.

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Morgan is a freelance writer for a variety of publications covering popular culture, societal behavior and the political influences of each.