Lena Dunham Praises Bestiality

Concerned Dog
*Confused dog sounds*

Lena Dunham took to Twitter… to, apparently, praise bestiality.

Dunham tweeted to her 5.5 million followers: “Never trust anyone who doesn’t regular French kiss animals.”

The disturbing tweet from the former “Girls” star quickly went viral–for all the wrong reasons.

Once realizing she had, ahem, screwed the pooch with her amorous animal tweet, Dunham quickly deleted her tweet and issued a follow-up:

“TO BE CLEAR this about letting rescue pets kiss your mouth. Oh jeez is it only Tuesday?”

Dunham’s apparent too-intimate love of animals is in stark contrast to her own pet adoption history: in 2017, she ditched her four-year-old dog Lamby.

Though Dunham cited behavioral problems, the Brooklyn animal shelter where she adopted the dog years earlier swiftly raked her over the coals–and accused her of lying about why she had abandoned her pet.

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