Michael Flynn: This is Why We Can’t Spy on Citizens

The corporate media is downplaying the most significant turn of events to take place since President Trump took office.

Here it is:

An agency of the United States government targeted a top level Executive Branch appointee to discredit him and force his resignation . . . and they succeeded.

In case you missed it, retired Army three-star general, Michael Flynn, was serving as Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor.

Before taking his position within the Trump administration, Flynn spoke with a Russian Ambassador regarding Obama-imposed sanctions.

Regardless of whether or not the conversation was inappropriate, Flynn misled Vice President Pence about the conversation.

Not a cool thing to do and Flynn resigned after details about the conversation were leaked to the press.

In the four paragraphs above, the key phrase is “leaked to the press.”

Someone within America’s intelligence apparatus not only spied on a U.S. citizen, buy they leaked details of the wire-tapped conversation to the press in order to damage the Office of the Presidency.

What . . . the . . . –ck?

On Tuesday morning following his resignation the night before, Flynn took to the cable networks to explain that the wiretapping and leaks were illegal.

While the leaks were clear violations of security, unfortunately the wiretapping was PERFECTLY legal.

We brought this upon ourselves.

Back in 2007, George Bush pushed for an amendment to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

Falling in line of the Orwellian naming conventions of the government, the amendment was called the “Protect America Act of 2007.”

The Act eased restrictions on our wiretapping and cyber-spying activities by changing the law to require only one party of a conversation to be located overseas.

And get this; if a conversation between two Americans takes place within U.S. borders, but goes through a foreign router or switchboard, then . . . boom . . . the government can totally spy on that conversation.

So Flynn’s conversation with a Russian Ambassador was perfectly in line with the regulations of FISA.

Many Americans think, “I’m not a terrorist so I’m not worried about it.”

What happened to Mike Flynn should change that thinking forever.

If rogue intelligence agents can spy on a top-level administration official . . . more importantly, the National Security Advisor . . . what do you think they could do to you?

If you live in the D.C. area, you should live in fear.

Cut off an employee of the NSA on 395 and they can get to work, grab their coffee, look up your plate numbers, route your emails through a router in Norway, and you’re privacy is shot.

Big user of Social Media and use a hashtag like #lifefreeordie? You can be grouped into a pool of “domestic terrorists” and have your communications monitored (similar scenarios have happened).

Make no mistake; the lack of privacy at the hands of the government turns them from servants of society to overseers of the unwashed masses.

It’s time to repeal with Protect America Act of 2007 and give privacy back to Americans.

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Shane Cory is the Editor of The Liberty Dispatch. Shane is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and has been involved in politics, publishing and marketing for more than 20 years. He has served as the Executive Director of the Libertarian National Committee, Project Veritas and is the co-Founder of Liberty Guard.