Movement to Boycott Pro-Trump Companies Grows

Following the election of Donald Trump, a group of activists, backed by B-list Hollywood actors like Don Cheadle, created the #GrabYourWallet list.

The online excel sheet lists companies to boycott due to their support of Donald Trump during the 2016 election or for their association with the Trump brand in any way.

The list includes Amazon (for selling Ivanka’s products), Bed Bath & Beyond, Walmart, Kmart,, HSN, Macy’s, etc. A total of 39 companies have made the list and a host of others that liberals should “consider boycotting.”

Basically those behind #GrabYourWallet give liberals the option to spend their welfare dollars at JuJu’s Bead Hut or Ron’s Tie-Dye Emporium.

There is hope as five companies have been dropped from the list., Bellacor and RueLaLa dropped Ivanka’s products. Wayfair and Zulily simply said the line of Trump products they had sold are no longer available.

Jenny Craig, whose founder is a trump supporter, corrected their site to say that Ms. Craig is no longer on their board.

For Trump supporters, the list should serve as any easily accessible list of companies to support.

President Elect Trump supports the move as he tweeted to support L.L. Bean, a company that was listed as one to “consider boycotting.”

Visit the list at

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Adam Campbell is a former military brat, who grew up all over the world--but considers Milwaukee, WI, where he and his wife currently live, to be his home. He enjoys reporting the real news, without bias.