Newt Goes Wild! Destroys Obama Over Terrorism


Thursday night as the latest terror attack in Nice, France claimed the lives of 80 people when a truck rammed a crowd of people celebrating Bastille Day, Newt Gingrich went on Fox News to tell America what he really thinks the problem is.

Newt didn’t hold back.

Newt was mad on Thursday night; a feeling that most Americans had when hearing about the attack in France.

When asked about the problem, Newt says that the Western elites are the cause of the problem for not doing what is “right”. Newt then went on to say, “That starts with Barack Obama”.

Speaking plainly, Newt went on to say things like “sharia law is incompatible with Western civilizations” and anyone who visits an ISIS website should be arrested and charged with a “felony”.

One of the statements that is firing up the left right now was about monitoring Muslim mosques. Newt said, “If you’re not prepared to monitor the mosques, this whole thing is a joke”.

Newt sounded a lot like Trump in some ways. It is no coincidence that he is one of the top two candidates for Trump’s VP pick, which was going to be announced today at 11am, but moved because of the attack.

Trump has been called a racist and worse for his comments on Muslims and wanting to ban them for a short time to “work things out”.

Will Newt face the same backlash? Sure from the radical liberals, but Newt is much more detailed when he speaks. Newt made it clear that he isn’t talking about all Muslims; something that Trump didn’t differentiate when he made the announcement.

Only 20-30% of Muslims around the world believe in Sharia law and carry ancient and radical views. There are over a billion, good, and peace loving Muslims who hate ISIS just as much as you do.

Newt is talking about the 350 million radical Muslims who want to kill us. It is a fact we have to face, and Newt has a plan. His plan sounds like a more detailed and rational plan of Donald Trump’s announcement about banning all Muslims, but along similar lines.

It is clear that Newt is trying to push the bar in the interview and getting headlines in the process. He is making his case to Donald Trump, and Donald is watching. Maybe the delay in the VP announcement means Mike Pence may not be the running mate after all.

There is no question that Newt knows his stuff, and he has been in the trenches before fighting against the Clintons, but all of politics aside, does Newt have the right solutions to fix global terrorism?

Watch the full interview below and let us know what you think in the comments below.

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Adam Campbell is a former military brat, who grew up all over the world--but considers Milwaukee, WI, where he and his wife currently live, to be his home. He enjoys reporting the real news, without bias.