Project Veritas Video: Teachers Union Rep Brags About Beating Students

It took only a few hours.

Following the release of an undercover investigation by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, a representative for United Educators of San Francisco was put on administrative leave.

The union rep, Antonio Mankini, boasted to O’Keefe’s undercover journalists about how he can hurt kids and “never leave a mark.”

Mankini, a former teacher then bragged about how he “clotheslined” a kid and got away with it.

This is the second recent video released by Project Veritas and James O’Keefe that focuses on Teachers Unions.

In 2010, Project Veritas released a series of videos called “Teachers Unions Gone Wild” where a teacher claimed that she would “have to be in the hallway f’ing somebody” to get fired.

Watch the video above and comment below.

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