As Trump Stumbles on RyanCare, Grassroots Stand Strong

Support isn't blind.

Typically when a strong “personality candidate” like Donald Trump or Barack Obama rises to the top, a sheep-like mentality quickly emerges to support every move of the politician.

During President Obama’s eight years in office, some called his supporters “ObamaZombies.”

George Bush’s blind backers were called “BushBots.”

With Bill Clinton, they were just called “dipshits.”

Whether under Obama, Bush or Clinton, their supporters who blindly went along with every move were a powerful, vocal force.

But within the first months of Donald Trump’s administration, something radically different is happening among the President’s most loyal supporters.

They are holding him accountable for his campaign promises.

Rather than jumping on board with RyanCare as President Trump has requested, pro-liberty voters are saying, “absolutely not, get it right and repeal!”

In addition to nearly every conservative group opposing the bill, from Heritage Action to the libertarian groups Cato Institute and Liberty Guard, diehard Trump supporters are telling the President to get it right.

When President Trump tweeted this morning, “Big day for healthcare. Working hard!” the response was overwhelming . . . against the President . . . by his own people.

Here’s just a sampling:

Even typically quiet members of Congress like Dave Brat (who led a revolt against the establishment by beating Eric Cantor) said, “We want Trump to be hugely successful, so we don’t want to handle a bill that’s going to fail in a few years.”

The Republican Congressman called RyanCare a “perverse economic system.”

To the credit of the grassroots movement that elected Donald Trump, they’re not going to toe the line just because they were told to do so.

Just as Trump was an unconventional candidate that won the election based on faith in his ability to deliver . . . his support base is also unconventional in that they are showing something rarely seen in politics . . . collective intelligence.

While Ryan, Trump and even Fox News are calling the American Health Care Act the “Repeal and Replace Bill,” nearly all of Trump’s supports can easily see through that lie and know it’s nothing more than a fresh coat of paint on ObamaCare.

Make no mistake, Trump’s supporters are not turning on the President, quite the opposite, they are serving as guiding force to get him on track when he swerves off course.

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Shane Cory is the Editor of The Liberty Dispatch. Shane is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and has been involved in politics, publishing and marketing for more than 20 years. He has served as the Executive Director of the Libertarian National Committee, Project Veritas and is the co-Founder of Liberty Guard.