Trump vs. Obama: Get Ready for the Greatest Political Battle in History

Former President Donald J. Trump is the still the heavyweight champion of the world. He is the greatest brander, promoter, salesman, pitch man and politician in history.
Name the most popular presidential brand names ever in our history: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, FDR, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama.
Not one of them could be leading a presidential race (let alone pulling away) after being impeached twice, indicted four times and facing 700-plus years in prison!
Trump is one of a kind.
The latest Rasmussen poll is out. Trump is winning by a 10-point landslide. He’s beating President Joe Biden 48% to 38%. And that’s with only two candidates in the race. If Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Sen. Joe Manchin join in, making it a four-way race (starring three Democrats versus Trump), I predict a 15-point Trump victory.
But of course, presidential races aren’t based on the popular vote. The Electoral College is what counts. We all know that race is based on seven ultracompetitive purple states. In the latest Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll out today, Trump is winning all seven battleground states that will determine the 2024 election:
Georgia: Trump up 6 points.
Michigan: Trump up 4 points.
Pennsylvania: Trump up 2 points.
Nevada: Trump up 3 points.
North Carolina: Trump up 9 points.
Wisconsin: Trump up 4 points.
Arizona: Trump up 4 points.
Everything is coming up roses for Trump. It’s all Trump, all the time. If this were poker, Trump would be holding a royal flush. Trump’s on a roll.
Again, let me stress that this is after two impeachments, four indictments and facing 700-plus years in prison. And with the media calling him a dictator who will never leave office if he’s elected again. And Democrats accusing him of wanting to execute his opponents. The debate is over…
You’re looking at the greatest brander, promoter, salesman, pitch man and politician of all time.
But here is a warning to my great friend President Donald J. Trump. You’re NOT going to be facing Joe Biden. Biden is finished. Kaput. Busted. Yesterday’s news.
First, Joe Biden is fading at a speed that is hard to watch. I believe he is an old man with dementia who should be in a nursing home, with a sign around his neck with his name and phone number in case he wanders away. Everyone sees it — even Democrat voters. Biden can no longer do the job.
But that’s just his mental health. I believe his actual life is fading away as well. It’s far from certain if Biden can even survive another year, let alone another term.
Next, we come to the crimes of Joe Biden. He is the single most corrupt politician in the history of America. And for the first time, everyone sees it. The preponderance of evidence is beyond overwhelming. The story gets worse every day. Democrats cannot take a chance on putting Biden on the ballot, while all his extortion, bribery and treason is flooding out of the closet.
Now add in the disastrous poll numbers and it’s over for Biden. The man is facing a landslide of George McGovern proportions. Democrats have no choice but to throw grandpa under the bus.
So, who’s going to replace Biden? It’s not California Gov. Gavin Newsom. He was exposed and emasculated on national TV in his debate with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Newsom is the emperor with no clothes. His new nickname is Gavin “Feces Map” Newsom. Newsom’s own in-laws ran away from his failing state.
And that was all BEFORE the announcement that California now has an all-time record $68 billion budget deficit.
The Biden replacement sure isn’t going to be Vice President Kamala Harris. She’s the only politician in America more unpopular than Biden. Biden has been exposed as old, over the hill, confused and corrupt. Harris is simply the dumbest human being to ever serve in high office. Harris couldn’t spell C-A-T if I spotted her the C and A. She is as dumb as a doorknob. Everyone sees it — even Democrats.
That leaves one choice: former first lady Michelle Obama.
Michelle Obama is the only Democrat in America with the name recognition, brand, and popularity to have at least a chance to beat Trump. I’ve warned for a year now that she would be the Democrat nominee in 2024.
First, because of her famous brand name. Name recognition is 90% of the battle in politics.
Second, because her husband, former President Barack Obama, is the real president of the United States. He calls all the shots in this White House. He has all the power in the Democrat Party. Michelle’s election would give him five terms as president to finish the job of destroying America, American exceptionalism, capitalism, freedom, and Israel too.
Third, Democrats picked Chicago as the site of their convention for a reason. It’s “the land of Obama.” Chicago is Michelle’s launching pad. This convention is her “coming out party.”
Democrats no longer have a choice. And so, we are about to get the greatest battle of all time between the two biggest brands in modern political history…
Get out your popcorn. This will be the battle of the century, to determine the future of America.
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