9 Restaurants That Deny Your Gun Rights

Gun Rights

The right to bear arms is as American as apple pie, but some places that serve apple pie don’t want you to bear your arms in their restaurant. This election year, gun rights are being attacked and many businesses are turning their back on freedom.

Sometimes you just want to go to dinner in a crowded, fun restaurant with your gun on your hip to protect you from all the crazy people in the world. If that is how you feel, then don’t try eating at one of these famous eateries.

Also, if you live in New York, Illinois, South Carolina, Florida or California then you don’t have to worry about freedom since you can’t open carry anywhere in public.

If you live in the capital of American freedom, Washington DC, then don’t even think about showing a gun in pubic. The consequences could be dire.

The home of what was once called the people’s house and open to citizens is now a city where you can’t even carry your own gun.

There are great places in this beautiful country where you can still open carry inside your favorite restaurant, unless your favorite restaurant doesn’t believe in you having the right to bear arms… at least in their establishment.

Here is the list of 9 restaurants that have banned open carry.


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