Chick-fil-A Hater Now Can’t Afford a Chicken Sandwich

In 2012, at the height of the fervor over gay marriage, Adam Smith took his outrage to the comfort of his car as he drove through a local Chick-fil-A to order a strong cup of water.

Adam’s thirst to voice his disdain for the company that supports traditional marriage was on display as he video taped his encounter and posted the clip to YouTube.

Smith, who chastised the young fast food worker for working for a “hateful corporation” was fired from his job the same day, losing his $200,000 a year salary.

The spiral didn’t stop there.

Smith, who is married with four children, lost his home, and the family moved into an RV while he looked for new work.

Eventually landing a new job, the former Chief Financial Officer his another bump and was asked to leave after two weeks on the job.

According to an interview with 20/20, Smith is now on government assistance and accepting food stamps to provide for his family.

While Chick-fil-A has offered free breakfasts to the homeless in the past, it is not a restaurant that nationally accepts EBT cards, also known as food stamps.

Smith will have to land another job in order to take another bite of Chick-fil-A in the future.

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Morgan is a freelance writer for a variety of publications covering popular culture, societal behavior and the political influences of each.