College Claims Only “White Supremacists” Enjoy Nature

Enjoying Nature
"We can tell that they are NAZIS because they are 1) outside and 2) White" - Liberals

Students at the notoriously liberal Claremont Colleges of California, charge that if you appreciate nature – if you find nature fun and relaxing – it’s probably because you’re a white supremacist. Nope, you can’t make this stuff up.

In an article in the college’s student newspaper, Malcolm McCann – who is white – claims that blacks are somehow excluded, and barred from going outdoors because of racism. He says, “Due to the predominance of whiteness in the outdoors, people of color have been denied access to the outdoors,” the op-ed claims.

McCann criticizes Clermont’s various outing clubs, and nature appreciation organizations – accusing them of being saturated with, “white supremacy.” He maintains this strange accusation while admitting that the clubs themselves are very clearly open to everyone on campus – regardless of race, gender, religion, or other identity-politics. However, as a white person, McCann thinks that black people are nervous and uncomfortable outdoors, and thus racism must be the culprit.

He explains, “this discomfort is unfortunately caused by existing racial boundaries,” adding “historically, white people in imperialist conquests have appropriated land as their own. North America rightfully belongs to the indigenous communities, yet it has been taken away from them by force. Consequently, a false sense of ownership of nature permeates white America.”

McCann then went on to take the issue with the “image of modern outdoor enthusiasts,” which he had claimed is majority of white men, hence, proving his claim of the white supremacy-nature relation.

“The image of the ‘outdoorsy individual’ is an exclusive classification that gives white people the authority to venture into the outdoors freely, leaving people of color behind,” McCann wrote in his op-ed.

But there aren’t just “racial barriers” that prevent non-white people from stepping outside, McCann had said, but also their financial barriers. Only people with “economic privilege” can participate in such outdoor activities and understand, “obscure outdoor lingo.”

So, basically, he is complaining that buying a tent can be expensive where he lives – perhaps he should simply try going to Cabelas or Bass Pro!

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