Comey’s Leaked Memos Held Classified Info

Comey Memos
"Excuse me, I gotta go make a leak, er, um... take a leak"

The heat has been cranked up on former FBI Director, James Comey, as per the latest report by intelligence officials, half the information that was in the Comey memos was classified. This comes on the back of increasing accusations of partisanship layered onto Comey, since he was ousted by Trump in May. There was huge controversy on the charges Comey faced regarding his incompetence over the Clinton investigation, but it seems that he has a track record of failing in his administrative duties.

It has come to light at four of the seven memos that were introduced in front of Congress, had been marked ‘confidential’ or ‘secret’, and questions are being raised now as to why Comey introduced them in his testimony. Comey tried to defend his decisions by claiming that these were all recollections of recorded conversations with Trump, and he thought it important to show it to Congress.

He also claimed that he had also prepared unclassified memos of his conversations about Flynn, and had also discussed the issue with senior FBI leadership. He had made personal records of the documents, and then decided to share them with Donald Richman, a Colombia professor and close friend, with the intention to leak them to the New York Times. This was a very convenient attempt to smear the President, which came right after Comey was fired.

Incompetence in Administrative Duties

He had also previously refused to follow strict government protocol, when he was investigating the Clinton server scandal, and carried it over to other administrative duties. He publicly claimed that he had been very careless when handling, highly classified and sensitive information during the Clinton investigation.

Comey had no qualms about breaking rules and doing things his own way, with no regard for proper government protocol, and his eagerness to get his story in the public eye could yet land him in trouble. He didn’t manage to do much damage to Trump in his testimony, and the biggest news that came out of the hearing, was his admission that President Trump had never been the under investigation of the FBI.

This seemed like a poor attempt by the liberals to try and force an impossible impeachment, but it seems that the heavy hitters have fallen well short of the mark, and ruined their own credibility in the process.

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