Seymour Hersh–one of the giants of modern journalism–thinks Obama’s story about killing Osama bin Laden is more fiction than fact.
Hersh became famous when he broke the story of the massacre of Vietnamese civilians by American soldiers at My Lai in 1968, and more recently broke the story of the prisoner abuses by American soldiers at Abu Ghraib in Iraq in 2004. Simply put, Hersh is a trusted voice in media–with a history of discovering shocking coverups perpetrated by the U.S. government.
Hersh’s account, which relies primarily on the testimony of an anonymous U.S. senior intelligence official, asserts that Barack Obama didn’t heroically order the attacks on the bin Laden compound: instead, the Pakistani military drove the attack.
Hersh claims that, first, Navy SEALs did not secretly invade a compound where bin Laden was living. Instead, the Pakistani military had been holding bin Laden prisoner there for five years–and instead finally gave him up to the U.S.
He also claims that a Pakistani intelligence officer accompanied the SEALs on their raid–and showed them around beforehand. There was no firefight. No bullets shot at all, in fact, except the bullets that killed Osama bin Laden himself.
Further, Barack Obama has always claimed that Pakistani military leaders were never informed before the U.S. raided the bin Laden compound. Hersh calls this the “most blatant lie” from the Obama White House. Pakistan’s top military leaders were intimately involved from the get-go.
There isn’t a ton of hard evidence to back Hersh’s claims–yet. But, because of Hersh’s stature as a journalist, this story is getting major traction in the mainstream media.
As journalists continue to dig, America will soon find out: did Obama lie about the signature foreign policy accomplishment that, arguably, won him the White House in 2012?