Duck Dynasty Divides: Loser Eats Crow?

Duck Dynasty

For the fans of the bearded men of Duck Dynasty, there’s a rift brewing the in the family.

Just a few weeks ago, family patriarch Phil Robertson came out strong for Senator Ted Cruz. Phil and Ted even huddled together in a duck blind to shoot an ad for the Canadian-born presidential contender.

The original Duck Commander even told a crowd that the entire Robertson family supported Ted Cruz.

Not so fast.

Yesterday, the brains behind the Duck Dynasty, Willie Robertson came out strong for billionaire candidate Donald Trump.

Trump who has gained the trust of the working class in America has been attacked from all angles from the GOP establishment class.

On the other hand, Cruz secured the endorsement of Glenn Beck recently, following Beck’s half-hearted apology for retweeting a fake post saying Trump voted for Obama in 2008.

As for the Robertson family, the duel-endorsement can either be a strategic play for the family to appeal to the two camps, or a genuine feud stemming from Cruz’s supposed evangelical values against Trump’s Washington shakeup machine.

The loser between Phil and Willie may literally have to eat crow.

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Candice has almost 20 years of experience reporting for various conservative publications. When she's not writing, she enjoys being outdoors--especially camping, hiking, and hunting. She lives in Harrisburg, PA, with her husband.