Facebook Live Streams A Horrendous Crime That Put Three In Hospital


T.J. Williams was logged onto Facebook and streaming live while hanging out with two friends in a car listening to music when gunshots rang out.

As three young men described to be in their 20’s, were chilling in a parked car when a couple of unknown assailants shot at least 30 shots into the car.

T.J. was shot and dropped his phone trying to dodge the relentless firing. The entire event unfolded live on Facebook.

As the gunshots stopped, panic broke out. Neighbors shouted for help as others tried to comfort the three victims.

The shooting happened in Norfolk Virginia. The area is no stranger to violence, but seeing it live on Facebook really hit home for everyone.

The video recorded the paramedics that responded to the call. There were about a dozen neighbors heard trying to help in some way. The outpouring of support and care given to the victims was remarkable.

The video continued to stream for a full, two hours. It captured the entire crime. The visual evidence won’t help the police catch the shooters probably, but the audio should help.

This is a new age we are entering. Just about everyday we are hearing about a different crime that was streamed live online.

This crime was recorded totally by accident, and hopefully the video will help police make a swift apprehension and conviction.

At the time of publication, the names of the victims have not been given to the public. What we do know is that they sustained “significant injuries”, according to the police.

This tragic story is developing, so check back soon.

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Candice has almost 20 years of experience reporting for various conservative publications. When she's not writing, she enjoys being outdoors--especially camping, hiking, and hunting. She lives in Harrisburg, PA, with her husband.