Facebook “Soft-Censors” Conservative Satire Site

A top conservative satire site has been “soft-censored” by Facebook, according to website ReclaimTheNet.org.

Facebook is now asking users who share an article from the Babylon Bee to take a second step: confirming yes to the question, “Do you want to share this post?”

ReclaimTheNet.org clarifies: “On most Facebook posts, clicking or tapping the share button brings up the share menu straight away but this additional dialogue box is forcing users to take another action and confirm that they want to share before they can actually get to this menu.”

The site adds that, “This ‘Do you want to share?’ confirmation screen is likely to cause a notable reduction in the total Facebook shares for The Babylon Bee’s website.”

The Babylon Bee produces satirical news akin to The Onion–except with a conservative bent. The heavily-shared page has more than 730,000 likes on Facebook.

This isn’t the first time the Babylon Bee has run into problems with social media.

Frequently, the site has been a victim of so-called “fact checkers,” who tagged them as fake news… even though their content is inherently satire.

But the Babylon Bee isn’t the only conservative-leaning site to be censored by social media–with even President Trump himself being “fact-checked” by Twitter.

However, the era of social media censorship could be coming to an end: on Thursday, President Trump signed an executive order that would force social media giants to allow all points of view to be heard.


If you want to read more, check out this article about Facebook censorship and the Soros connection.

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Adam Campbell is a former military brat, who grew up all over the world--but considers Milwaukee, WI, where he and his wife currently live, to be his home. He enjoys reporting the real news, without bias.