It’s time for President Trump to start telling the raw truth to the American people. He knows it. I know it. Most voters who don’t suffer from “Trump Derangement Syndrome” know it. Anyone with a brain and common sense knows it.
If you think your choice in this election is Donald Trump versus Joe Biden, you’re blind, deaf or really dumb. Biden’s not the candidate. Biden is just a placeholder, a brand name at the top to scam voters. But he will never serve as the actual president. Who’s dumb enough to not see that?
The real behind-the-scenes winners will be Kamala Harris as president and Nancy Pelosi as vice president. Add in the infamous radical Commie Squad as the Cabinet. That’s who’s really running the Democratic Party nowadays: Reps. Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. And don’t forget former President Barack Obama and Rep. Maxine Waters for the Supreme Court.
That’s the team you’re really voting for when you vote for Biden: two California crazies and a bunch of commies (literally).
But it’s certainly not Biden. Even Biden knows it. He spilled the beans just days ago. He called it “the Harris-Biden administration” while talking to the press. Can you imagine? Even the presidential candidate knows deep down he’s not going to be the actual president.
Days ago, Harris spilled the beans by mistake, too. She was talking to the press and called it “the Harris administration.” Has any VP candidate in history ever made this mistake? Did Dan Quayle forget George H.W. Bush and call it “the Quayle administration?” Did Al Gore forget Bill Clinton and call it “the Gore administration?” Did Joe Biden forget Barack Obama and call it “the Biden administration?” Of course not.
Joe Biden, the actual presidential candidate, and Kamala Harris, the VP candidate, both forgot Joe Biden was the candidate. Think about that for a minute. It’s either temporary insanity or conspiracy.
Poor Joe clearly has signs of dementia. He’s very old, feeble, mumbling and bumbling, at times incoherent. He can’t string three good sentences together. He hides in his basement with a mask. Since Labor Day, President Trump has held rallies in front of 62,000 Americans, versus Biden, who has spoken in front of 64, mostly members of the media.
But don’t worry about Biden. No need to ever mention him again. He’s just the placeholder.
He’ll be president in name only.
With a President Kamala Harris and Vice President Nancy Pelosi running the show, there is no debate, no question, on what you’ll get: THE END OF AMERICA.
And, of course, the end of the Republican Party.
Nothing should scare Middle America and independent voters more than a country run by two radical, extreme California socialists who turned California into a real-life “Nightmare on Elm Street” with rampant crime; an economy still closed down for COVID-19; the most welfare recipients and homeless in America; millions and millions of illegal aliens protected in a sanctuary state; streets littered with drug needles, poop and pee; and the highest taxes in America.
Here’s what you can expect from President Harris and Vice President Pelosi. They will open the borders like never before in history. They will defund and disband Immigration and Customs Enforcement. They will offer free health care to everyone in the world. Soon there will be 300 million, 600 million, even a billion new arrivals at our borders.
And since we’re offering free health care, it’s guaranteed many of them will be sick and stick American taxpayers with the enormous bill. Not just pregnancy, cancer, heart disease, diabetes or COVID-19 bills, by the way. They’ll expect hundreds of thousands of free $150,000 surgeries for transgender people.
You — taxpayers who never had anything to do with slavery — will have to pay trillions of dollars in reparations to people who were never slaves.
You’ll be wearing masks for life — outdoors, indoors, everywhere. If anyone remains sick with COVID-19 or influenza, the economy and your business will be closed for years on end.
Voting will be mail-in forevermore, with no ID required. Illegal aliens will officially receive the right to vote. The Electoral College will be canceled. The Supreme Court will double in size, and nine new liberal judges will be added.
And we’ll quickly add two new states: Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C., along with four new Democratic senators. The Senate will have a Democratic majority for life.
Your suburban life will be destroyed with forced low-income, high-density government housing. Say hello to the streets of Chicago.
And capitalism will be destroyed once and for all, with massive tax increases, draconian regulations, $90 trillion spent on the Green New Deal and trillions more spent on free “Medicare for All.”
That’s America under President Kamala Harris (whose voting record in the Senate is to the left of crazy socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders), Vice President Nancy Pelosi, the Commie Squad as the Cabinet and Justices Obama and Mad Maxine.
And what about Biden? He’ll spend weekdays hiding in the White House basement. And weekends in his Delaware basement. You’ll never see him or hear from him again.