High School Says Pro-Life Club Is Too “Controversial”; Pro-Gay Club Accepted

This but not THAT!

A high school in Pennsylvania is under the spotlight, for banning a pro-life club, since it is supposedly too controversial and political, but continued to allow pro-gay clubs.

Liz Castro, a senior in the high school spoke to Fox News about the school’s decision, “They told me that we couldn’t have our club because it was too controversial and too political at the time.”

“So just anything that other people disagree with is not allowed, do you think you were singled out for that?” Carlson asked.

“I think they were definitely discriminating against us because we were pro-life,” Castro said.

Sources stated that Parkland High School has allowed a gay-straight alliance club, a political science club, a fashion club, a chess club, and other groups necessary.

“That kind of club, an anti-abortion club,” Carlson asked, “is singularly offensive to the kind of people that run the schools isn’t it?”

“Yeah, you would think that public institutions and free speech would be a no-brainer,” said Kristin Hawkins, the president for Students for Life. “These are taxpayer-funded institutions and yet this is what we see time and time again in high schools and colleges across the country.”

“So do you suppose, Liz, if there was a club,” Carlson asked, “I dunno, a feminist club or women’s rights club, women’s empowerment club that supported legal abortion would they be allowed to organize on campus?”

“I feel like they may be able, they may allowed them to have their club,” Castro responded.

“So what are you going to do, have you given up?” he asked.

“No, not at all,” Castro said. “I’m a senior so this is kinda it for me, but my friend Grace who is also trying to start the club with me is definitely not giving up and she’s gonna try to start the club again.”

“We met all the requirements (but) were denied simply because we are pro-life,” Castro said, according to Life Site News. “As a club, our purpose is to create a life-affirming culture at our school, educate our peers on the issue of life, hold diaper drives to support pregnant and parenting students, and become a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves.”

“The school is not only denying my right to start a group but denying the opportunity for others at my school to learn about the greatest human rights social injustice of our time,” Castro concluded.

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