Hillary Clinton Still Blaming People For 2016

Hillary Clinton
^That face you make when you hear someone say "Personal responsibility is a virtue"

Another day, another moment where Hillary Clinton keeps pointing fingers about her 2016 presidential loss (which, at this point, was 16 months ago.)

While presenting the Human Rights Awards at Georgetown University on Monday night, Clinton was briefly interviewed–and the topic of the election came up.

This time, Clinton blamed “misogyny and sexism.”

“Any of you who’ve read my book about ‘what happened’ know that I think misogyny and sexism was part of that campaign—it was one of the contributing factors,” Clinton explained. “Some of it was old-fashioned sexism and the refusal to accept the equality of women, and certainly the equality of women’s leadership, and some of it as an outgrowth of all of this anxiety and insecurity that is playing on people and leading them in a hunt for scapegoats.”

“This is an election year, 2018 in the United States, so there’s a lot to be done to say we’re not going backwards,” she added.

While many failed presidential candidates keep a lower profile, Hillary Clinton has refused to do so–instead speaking ad nauseum about who she blames for losing the presidential election. At times, she’s pointed the finger at former FBI Director James Comey, Democratic Party staffers, her campaign team, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and, of course, misogyny.

One person she still hasn’t blamed? Herself.

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Adam Campbell is a former military brat, who grew up all over the world--but considers Milwaukee, WI, where he and his wife currently live, to be his home. He enjoys reporting the real news, without bias.