Hillary Keeping Top Dollar Campaign Staff On Payroll

Hillary Clinton
"You love me, you really love me!"

According to recent campaign finance filings, failed Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton is still paying top campaign staffers. Her political arm, Hillary for America, is still employing a sizable staff of elite operatives, nearly a year after her humiliating defeat at the hands of Donald Trump.

Since the campaign concluded, top aids such as Huma Abedin have been paid thousands to operate as spokesmen, advisors, digital coordinators and political strategists. Many of those still on the payroll are long-time Clinton allies and confidants, many of whom were with her during her disastrous 2008 run against Barrack Obama.

Abedin has been paid about $67,000 since the election campaign, while spokesman Nicholas Merrill, has been paid $24,357 this year from the campaign. Deputy Digital Director for Clinton’s campaign, Jenna Lowenstein, received $7,831.59 from the campaign in January alone, and also still pulls a salary from another Clinton-aligned super PAC. Elizabeth Jones, the chief operating officer of Hillary for America, has pulled a $95,000 salary from the Clinton campaign, this year alone.

Robert Russo, Clinton’s closest aides who has stuck with her for over a decade and was in charge of the correspondence for the presidential campaign, has been paid nearly $36,000 in 2017 from Hillary for America. Russo now also works in the Office of Hillary Rodham Clinton, Clinton’s personal office.

Kelly Mehlenbacher, the treasury manager for Hillary for America, has been paid $38,117 from the campaign this year. Mehlenbacher also became the chief operating officer of Onward Together, a political action group launched by Clinton earlier this year to fund established anti-Trump “resistance” groups that can quickly counter Trump and Republicans with more direct action and protests, in May this year.

Opal Vadhan – advance associate for Hillary for America, received $12,200 from the campaign this year, whereas, Grady Keefe, also a member of the campaign who has accompanied Clinton on her recent book signings, has been paid $17,300.

Who knows what Hillary’s next moves will be, but by keeping her campaign infrastructure paid and running – it’s clear that she is leaving her options open for another possible run in 2020.

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Adam Campbell is a former military brat, who grew up all over the world--but considers Milwaukee, WI, where he and his wife currently live, to be his home. He enjoys reporting the real news, without bias.