Hillary Reveals Truth Behind Her Cough


Hillary Clinton has a lot of people wondering if she is healthy, but when she broke out into a coughing attack she revealed the cause of her ailments.

It happened again.

Hillary Clinton was on stage at a rally with Tim Kaine when she started coughing. Guess what she blamed it on?

That’s right. She said that Trump made her “allergic”.

Nobody on our staff is a doctor, but that doesn’t seem correct.

The latest coughing attack came on the heels of CNN firing Dr. Drew for questioning Hillary’s health and then demanding him to retract his statement.

It is clear that Hillary is having some health issues and they seem to be keeping her off the campaign trail.

In August, Hillary spoke at rallies and events in front of an estimated 15,000 people. Donald Trump spoke to an estimated 140,000 Americans.

Trump is older and working harder in this campaign. He takes Sunday off from speeches, but Hillary is taking up to four days off a week to relax.

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Adam Campbell is a former military brat, who grew up all over the world--but considers Milwaukee, WI, where he and his wife currently live, to be his home. He enjoys reporting the real news, without bias.