House Republicans Waffle on Obamacare, Now want “Repair”

Who is Ryan looking out for?

On Fox and Friends this morning, House Speaker Paul Ryan appeared and was about the lack of progress on the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare.

The Speaker slipped up and spoke the truth for a moment, telling the hosts they intended to “repair a broken system.”

When pushed by the Fox News hosts, Ryan backtracked and said they will still “repeal and replace” Obamacare.

But that doesn’t fall in line with the buzz on the Hill.

Multiple sources have reported a shift in tone and rhetoric to promote a “repair” talking point over the charged cry for repeal.

Even key players in the Obamacare fight are on record backtracking.

Congressman Greg Walden from Oregon told the press, “We’re going to fix things, we’re going to repair things. There are things we can build on and repair, there are things we can completely repeal.”

The move for those inside Washington and familiar with the lobbying power of the healthcare, pharmaceutical and insurance industries, is obvious. They want every aspect of Obamacare left intact.

An insider of the healthcare industry who requested anonymity told Liberty News Now, “As an America, I hate Obamacare, but it’s made me rich. We don’t want to change a thing.”

The biggest beneficiary of Obamacare has been the healthcare industry that now has 20 million new patients who can pay their bills.

House Republicans’ purpose of stalling may very well be due to the pressure of their backers within the health care industry.

However, while Republicans have little motivation to repeal Obamacare, President Trump is eager to follow through on all of his campaign promises, and the repeal of Obamacare ranks in the top five commitments made to the American people.

Is Paul Ryan and his fellow members of Congress stalling in the hopes the issue goes away? Comment below.

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Morgan is a freelance writer for a variety of publications covering popular culture, societal behavior and the political influences of each.