IRS Audit Could Spell Arrest For Clinton


The Republican National Committee asked the IRS to audit the finances of another one of the Clinton family’s charities—and that’s not the news Hillary Clinton wants to hear.

The Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) has long been under fire in the media for shaky accounting. Earlier this year, they refused to re-file their IRS 990 tax forms, to clarify incorrect accounting.

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, in his letter to the IRS, wrote:

“Given CHAI’s history of repeatedly failing to accurately report the amount of money it received from foreign governments … there is no way to tell whether there exists other undisclosed foreign government grants without the IRS conducting a full audit of CHAI’s financial records… The American people deserve to know whether the largest philanthropic arm of the Clinton Foundation continues to misreport the funds it receives from foreign governments, and whether this might lead to the potential for further conflicts of interest.”

Hillary Clinton’s scandals seem to be growing by the day. What was, initially, an investigation into her conduct during the Benghazi killings in 2012, quickly snowballed into a Nixonian web of wrongdoing.

First, the revelation that she kept confidential public records on an unsecured, private email server—and now, clear conflicts of interest between the State Department, companies with ties to the Clintons, and the Clinton family’s various charities.

The scandal is also threatening to consume more than just Hillary Clinton and her campaign.

Huma Abedin, Hillary’s longtime aide and confidant, is also under investigation. Abedin drew a salary both from the State Department where she worked under Hillary, and from Teneo, a company with ties to the Clinton Foundation and asked for key political favors during Hillary’s tenure as Secretary of State.

Reports of deeper investigation by the Republicans into her recent scandals are not what Hillary Clinton wants to hear—and her poll numbers are continuing to tank. It could be only a matter of time before one of her scandals dashes her presidential hopes—for good.

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Adam Campbell is a former military brat, who grew up all over the world--but considers Milwaukee, WI, where he and his wife currently live, to be his home. He enjoys reporting the real news, without bias.