Kavanaugh Accuser Gets $1 Million, Pitches Book Deal

Crime (fake accusations and perjury) pays.... if you are a Democrat

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who accused Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of groping her at a high school party decades ago, is living the high life.

According to RealClearInvestigations, Ford “stands to gain $1 million and counting from national crowdfunding campaigns launched by friends and other supporters, while she is said to be fielding book offers.”

The article goes on to explain the financial windfall that Ford stands to win, simply because she accused a conservative judge of sexual assault without corroboration:

The potential seven-figure windfall, which she says she intends to cash in on – while still asking donors for more money – has some questioning her motivation for accusing the conservative judge after 35 years of silence, and whether it goes beyond personal or even political justice. Others worry the largesse sets a dangerous precedent: Crowdfunding, which unlike political donations is unregulated, could be routinely used in the future as a bounty for providing political dirt on opponents.

Two GoFundMe accounts have raised more than $842,000 for Ford, and the money is still coming in weeks after she testified and left the spotlight. The total does not include a third account collecting $120,000 for an academic endowment in her name.

The costs for security, housing, transportation and other related expenses are much higher than we anticipated and they do not show signs of letting up,” Ford said in a recent statement posted on the GoFundMe page of the “Help Christine Blasey Ford” campaign, which is still bringing in donations. “Funds received via this account will be used to help us pay for these mounting expenses.

However, Kavanaugh’s other accuser wasn’t as lucky: the Senate Judiciary Committee has Julie Swetnick, who told a widely-discredited tale of Kavanaugh drugging women and leading a gang rape gang when he was in high school, to the Department of Justice for a criminal investigation.

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Candice has almost 20 years of experience reporting for various conservative publications. When she's not writing, she enjoys being outdoors--especially camping, hiking, and hunting. She lives in Harrisburg, PA, with her husband.