Kim Jung-un Hacks Sony Over Bromance Film?

You would think North Korea’s leader, Kim Jung-un would have a sense of humor.

Given the young Supreme Leader’s international friendship with Dennis Rodman along with this father’s hair, Jung-un shouldn’t take himself too seriously.

However, when a film is produced by Sony Pictures about your own assassination, it’s understandable that North Korea’s leader isn’t chuckling.

Taking public reaction for a comedy by James Franco and Seth Rogen to entirely new levels, North Korea has not denied the recent hack attack on Sony Pictures, which resulted in the release of several movies, including the new version of Annie.

When asked about the cyber attack on Sony Pictures, officials in Pyongyang responded with the statement, “The hostile forces are relating everything to (North Korea). I kindly advise you to just wait and see.

It’s quite possible they didn’t understand the question.

It’s also a possibility that Mr. Jung-un simply could not wait to see the Annie remake.

In the soon-to-be-released movie, The Interview, the bromancing duo, Franco and Rogen are asked to assassinate North Korea’s leader as part of an interview.

Frangen fans may recall the duo partnered to assassinate the devil in a previous film, This is the End.

Pyongyang’s response to The Interview is unique.

In the 2004 marionette film, Team America: World Police, the elder Kim Jong-il was portrayed as a maniacal terrorist utilizing Hollywood liberals to carry out a plot of world destruction.

Jong-il chose not to respond to the film by Southpark creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker.

The world will have to “wait and see” to see how far the new leader of North Korea will take this story.

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Morgan is a freelance writer for a variety of publications covering popular culture, societal behavior and the political influences of each.