Let the Mass Deportation Commence!

Get on with it.

Over the last few weeks, stories have streamed across the wires of one illegal immigrant after another being arrested and deported.

The corporate media, which is attempting to create an uproar among sympathetic liberals, are actually doing the opposite.

For once, the corporate media is doing its job and showing the positive work that the Federal Government is finally doing . . . after years of refusing to enforce the law.

For the last eight or so years, President Obama maintained wide-open and welcoming borders and a very generous Welfare State.

How did that work out for us?

Aside from the mountains of money lost to maintaining the health, education and general prosperity for non-citizens who did not legally contribute to our national treasure, we allowed an insurgency to exist within our own land.

We saw this in California when Donald Trump staged a rally there and his supporters were met with violence.

We see it in the students who march on American streets while angrily waving Mexicans flags.

We see it in the tears of 15 year old Nisa Mickens’ mother. Nisa, a high school student, was brutally beaten to death by members of MS-13 gang members from El Salvador and confirmed illegal immigrants.

Obama and the social justice warriors who have cropped up under his presidency, can whine, cry, march, rally, and bitch and moan all they want.

By ignoring immigration laws, we have fostered lawlessness.

While each immigrant who illegally crosses our borders will look into a camera and say “I’m not a criminal,” their very act of crossing our border was a crime.

Let me say this clearly, “They are all criminals.”

So when 22 year-old illegal immigrant Daniela Vargas, a so-called “Dreamer”, holds a press conference to demand change from our president, and is subsequently arrested and deported by Immigration and Customs Enforcement . . . I cheer.

The Trump administration had the courtesy of flying Vargas back to her true home of Argentina when she was entitled, at best, to get an escorted bus ride across the border to Mexico.

The lesbian activist for illegal immigrants can hoof it back to Argentina for all I care.

While deportations for men and women like Vargas are cheered, there are exceptions.

The ten illegal immigrants who killed teenage girls Nisa Mickens and Kayla Cuevas under their gay MS-13 banner . . . well, they’re not going home . . . ever.

If justice is to be truly served for these punks, they should be bound and locked in a room with the families of the slain teenage girls.

It is impossible to sympathize with the plight of illegal immigrants when they are literally killing our children.

Deport them all, and then we can provide a route to entry for those who would benefit our nation and society.

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Shane Cory is the Editor of The Liberty Dispatch. Shane is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and has been involved in politics, publishing and marketing for more than 20 years. He has served as the Executive Director of the Libertarian National Committee, Project Veritas and is the co-Founder of Liberty Guard.