Democrats–at least, the ones who haven’t gone off the leftist cliff–have high praise for President Trump’s Supreme Court pick, Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
Both Sens. Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) and Joe Manchin (D-WV), who face tough re-election races in states where Trump won by double-digits, said they were impressed by Kavanaugh’s hearing so far.
Heitkamp said she hadn’t seen anything yet that would cause her to vote against Kavanaugh. “He’s handling himself very professionally,” she added.
Machin also said he was still open to supporting Manchin, but took aim at both Republicans and Democrats over the often-tempestuous hearing, saying that “both sides have been deplorable in how they’ve handled themselves.”
Kavanaugh was nominated earlier this year to replace retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy–a Reagan appointee who was often seen as a critical swing vote in controversial cases.
Kavanaugh is seen as a much more reliably conservative vote, and would tip the Supreme Corut towards a more conservative majority–which has caused liberals to lose their mind over his appointment.
Despite delivering a solid performance, Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing has been wrought with screaming protesters from the Senate chamber’s upper gallery, as well as political grandstanding from would-be 2020 presidential candidates.
Regardless, the 51-49 Republican majority in the Senate is expected to confirm Kavanaugh before the mid-term election.