Schools Teaching That “To Be White Is Racist”


A teacher at a high school in Norman, Oklahoma is teaching his students that “to be white is racist”, but that isn’t the worst part.

The unidentified teacher began a lecture talking about the mistreatment of Native Americans when a student started recording the lecture.

What the student recorded is making parents nervous all around the United States.

After rambling for a short time about what white people did to America and Native Americans, he really got into the meat of his lesson.

“To be white is to be racist, period. Am I racist? I say yea. I don’t want to be. It’s not like choose to be racist, but do I do things because of the way I was raised?”

According to this teacher, all you have to do to be racist is to be white, and this was actually taught in an American school.

The student who recorded the lecture wants to remain anonymous, but said she was offended because she was half Hispanic and didn’t like being called a racist.

After the student showed her parents the recording, they went directly to the school and to the media.

There is no report yet on the educator and if he is still teaching students that “to be white is racist.”

Do you think you are a racist if you are white? Let us know in the comments below.

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