Obama’s DOJ Sued Orgs Until They “Donated” To Alt-Left Causes

Barack Obama
Behold! The very face of Corruption (Besides Hillary, that is)

Obama’s Department of Justice repeatedly allowed major court cases to be settled if the defendant – usually an American company – gave millions to a specific slate of radical leftist causes. These causes include La Raza (the Hispanic nationalist supremacist group), and far left community organizing groups like the National Urban League.

The practice was pioneered by Loretta Lynch back in August 2014, when Obama’s Justice Department entered into a $17 billion settlement with the Bank of America for selling the residential mortgage-backed securities leading up to the 2008 housing crisis. Similar arrangements were also made with the J.P Morgan Chase and Citigroup that had brought the total amount up to $36.65 billion.

The Obama administration actively demanded that this settlement money be routed to leftist causes, and that no conservative group, or cause be a beneficiary – even if the “donation” was as small as a couple thousand dollars.

In some of the cases during the settlement, the companies that agreed to pay the financial penalties that consisted of “donations” to the nonprofits instead of giving the money directly to the Treasury. The Bank of America and Citigroup settlement included a certain provision that required a sum of $150 million in donations to be given to the community.

The Obama administration almost exclusively approved donations to places like UnidosUS (formerly the National Council of La Raza), the progressive unionist organization NeighborWorks America, and the National Urban League,

“I’m sorry to be a pest. We keep tinkering with the settlement agreement and I want to make sure we are doing it right,” Elizabeth Taylor, ex-Principal Deputy Associate Attorney General, had written in a November 6, 2013 email. “Can you explain to Tony the best way to allocate some money to an organization of our choosing?” she added, referring to Associate Attorney General Tony West.

Another message from a similar redacted email address shows that the West’s group had made it a point to make sure that these conservative groups were not a part of the process:

“Donations to the state-based Interest on Lawyers’ Trust Account (IOLTA) organizations (or other statewide bar-association affiliated intermediaries) that provide funds to legal aid organizations, to be used for the foreclosure prevention legal assistance and community development legal assistance.

“Concerns include: a) not allowing Citi to pick a statewide intermediary like the Pacific Legal Foundation (does conservative property-rights free legal services)”

The Conservative Pacific Legal Foundation’s President, Steven Anderson responded, saying, “We are flattered that the previous administration would be concerned enough about our success vindicating individual liberty and property rights to prevent settlement funds from making their way to Pacific Legal Foundation.”

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Adam Campbell is a former military brat, who grew up all over the world--but considers Milwaukee, WI, where he and his wife currently live, to be his home. He enjoys reporting the real news, without bias.