O’Keefe Exposes Union’s Protection of Pedo Teacher

James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas ran into something unexpected at a holiday party hosted by a New York State teacher’s union.

At the party was attorney Mitchell Rubinstein who has worked for New York State United Teachers since 1990 according to his LinkedIn profile.

Rubenstein proceeded to tell one of Project Veritas’ undercover agents about his “worst” case ever.

The attorney described in graphic detail how, “20 years ago”, a teacher forced several children to engage in oral sex with him at knifepoint.

The teacher was defended by Rubinstein (at least before the school district) and was able to walk away with no jail time – just a resignation.

O’Keefe has been searching for this teacher for the past year that Rubinstein referred to only as “Mike.”

Yesterday, O’Keefe turned the story over to the public and asked for their help in locating the man.

The group 4Chan, most recently known for locating Shia Labeouf’s “He Will Not Divide Us Flag” (the group used star charts and condensation trails to locate the origin of the flag), took up the call, and within hours, has a possible suspect for “Mike.”

In 1992, the founder of a New York Bridge School was forced to resign after admitting to molesting two boys at his school aged 13 and 15. Eight others accused the man of abuse but those cases never moved forward.

Project Veritas is looking to confirm the relationship between the 1992 case at the Bridge School and the union attorney.

Finding “Mike” will be another blow to the teacher’s unions who appear to put the careers of their union members above any interests of children – even when they’re being sexually abused by their own teachers.

Watch the video above to learn more but be forewarned that it contains very explicit language.

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Morgan is a freelance writer for a variety of publications covering popular culture, societal behavior and the political influences of each.