O’Rourke Called A “Loser” By Former Obama Campaign Manager

Barack Obama
Thanks Obama!

A former Barrack Obama campaign manager and mayor of Chicago are criticizing the one that some people call the “white Obama”.

There is no doubt that Beto O’Rourke is a rising star in the Democratic party despite his near loss to Ted Cruz in his Senate race earlier this month. Few Democrats would disagree.

Where the party seems divided, is the O’Rourke’s ability to become a real candidate that could defeat Trump in 2020. After all, O’Rourke did lose his election to Cruz. If he had won, this would be a different conversation.

Rham Emanuel, Obama’s former campaign manager went on MSNBC to say that the Democrats shouldn’t promote a guy that lost.

“If Beto O’Rourke wants to go and run for president, God bless him, he should put his hat in and make his case. But, he lost. You don’t usually promote a loser to the top of party.” – Rham Emanuel

See the exchange below.

What does Obama think about the rising star? “Impressive young man who ran a terrific race in Texas,” the former president said on a podcast recently.

Although there are many in the public that like O’Rourke, it is clear that not everyone on the left thinks the young man from El Paso could go all the way.

What do you think? Do you agree with Rham Emanuel or do you think that O’Rourke should run?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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