Pence Explains The Unprecedented Transparency Of The Trump Administration

Mike Pence
Say what you mean, and mean what you say - this ain't politics as usual, it's much more messy and exciting!

Vice President Mike Pence took to the airwaves to defend Trump’s Twitter attack on Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Pence praised the president for what he said was speaking openly to the American public, during an interview on Fox News, with Tucker Carlson.

“Well look I think the president’s been very candid,” he said, “that he’s disappointed with the attorney general’s decision to recuse himself and to not know about his intention to do so before he was confirmed as the attorney general of the United States.”

“But I have to tell you Tucker,” he added, “you’ve been around Washington for a long time, I know the Washington way is to talk behind people’s backs. But that’s not President Donald Trump’s approach.”

“One of the great things about this president is you always know,” he concluded.

“But I have to tell you Tucker,” he added, “you’ve been around Washington for a long time, I know the Washington way is to talk behind people’s backs. But that’s not President Donald Trump’s approach.”

“One of the great things about this president is you always know where you stand,” he concluded.

“I think it’s the public expression of it that rattles people,” Carlson challenged, “the idea that you would attack someone who works for you on Twitter and I wonder if you worry personally if the president was displeased with you that he might tweet about you that way. Does that ever occur to you?”

“Well, I think one of the president’s virtues is his candor,” Pence repeated.

“Right,” Carlson agreed.

Trump has repeatedly vented this week about Sessions’ self-recusal from the investigation into Russian activities during the 2016 presidential campaign in a series of media interviews as well as on his Twitter account. At one point Monday, Trump referred to Sessions in a Twitter post as “our beleagured A.G.”

Pence acknowledged that Trump was “disappointed” in Sessions’ recusal, saying “there’s no attempt to hide his feelings and his expressed disappointment here is very sincere

Trump continued the onslaught Wednesday with a tweet wondering why Sessions didn’t “replace Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe,” who succeeded James Comey after Trump fired him May 9.

Pence added: “But that doesn’t mean that we don’t recognize the good work the Justice Department has been doing under the attorney general’s leadership.”

The vice president pointed to Session’s work on combating gang violence and illegal immigration, as well as his efforts to stop cities from operating as safe havens for undocumented immigrants, as examples of successes. “We will see what happens in the future, but at least the American people know and every member of the cabinet can know that you will always know where you stand with President Trump,” Pence said.

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Morgan is a freelance writer for a variety of publications covering popular culture, societal behavior and the political influences of each.