Record Number Of Hispanics Think Trump Will Win

record number

There are a record number of Hispanics that believe Trump will win the presidency and they are playing the odds.

Hundreds of thousands of central and South Americans are flocking to America illegally, because they think Trump is going to win and build that wall.

They want to get to America before robots take all the jobs.

The numbers that came across in August were just slightly off the all-time high in 2014, but there is another scarier record that was broken.

Unaccompanied minors that were taken into custody spiked to an all-time high.

Broken family units are also among the high numbers.

Right now the southern border is a mess and it is getting worse.

Normally during the summer months and especially in August, we see the number of people crossing the border dramatically drop due to the summer heat.

This year is different. The numbers of families, kids and individuals from South and Central America that are entering our country illegally have continued to climb almost yearly.

If they didn’t think that Trump would win and build the wall, then they wouldn’t make the trip during the summer to beat the election.

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Morgan is a freelance writer for a variety of publications covering popular culture, societal behavior and the political influences of each.