Rich Blowing Off The Windy City


We all remember what happened at the canceled Donald Trump rally in Chicago when racial tensions were high and Trump fans had to be escorted out of the arena.

What we saw at the Trump rally is a hint to why there is a mass exodus of rich people leaving Chicago.

“About 3,000 individuals with net assets of $1 million or more, not including their primary residence, moved from the city last year, with many citing rising racial tensions and worries about crime as factors in the decision,” as reported by the Chicago Tribune.

In fact, millionaires are leaving Chicago at an incredible rate, but the windy city is not alone. The rich are leaving the terror-stricken French capital of Paris t a rate of 7,000 per year.

Rome is next on the list with 6,000 leaving per year, and the numbers are going up.

In Chicago, the reason the rich are deciding to leave their home has a lot to do with the rise in crime, and especially the increase in tension between races.

Chicago has seen better days. Crime has continued to rise under Mayor Rahm Emanuel, former Obama chief of staff, but it is the income inequality and racially charged groups like Black Lives Matter that are creating a hostile environment.

The wealthy do not feel safe in Chicago anymore and they are doing something about it.

The ones who can are getting out of town, and the ones that have to stay in the city are buying things like safe rooms or panic rooms in the event of an attack.

Are they being paranoid or are they really getting out before the storm hits? What do you think? Is there a civil unrest coming to Chicago or are the rich just looking for a warmer place to live? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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