Sean Hannity Claims He Was Unmasked By Obama Administration

Barack Obama
"Yea, I just head this Sean guy talking smack about me on the radio, what a jerk! - can we unmask him?"

Sean Hannity and Fox News have threatened to sue former President Barack Obama based on allegations that Hannity was “unmasked” from surveillance during the Obama administration.

On his radio show, Hannity said, “I have it on pretty good authority that I’ve been ‘unmasked,’ among other things.”

“And by the way, if I find out, I am going to sanction the biggest lawsuit that I possibly can with the biggest attorneys in the country so we can do something to stop the shredding of our Constitution,” he continued to threaten.

“I will do that because that is illegal and if my rights are violated,” he added. And that, “we will find a way to make this happen.”

Over the past weeks allegations had been made by the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes (R-Calif) that the Obama administration officials had made hundreds of requests to unmask Americans without being able to provide proper or complete justification for their request.

In his letter to the Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, Nunez recalls, “We have found evidence that current and former government officials had easy access to U.S. person information and that it is possible that they used this information to achieve partisan political purposes, including the selective, anonymous leaking of such information.”

“Obama-era officials sought the identities of Trump transition officials within intelligence reports,” he further added. “However, there was no meaningful explanation offered by these officials as to why they needed or how they would use this U.S. person information.”

Radio host, Sean Hannity has added to this fervor, by claiming that he too had been specifically “unmasked” by members of the Obama administration. The unmasking requests involves having to request intelligence officers to reveal the names of Americans that were concealed in “incidental surveillance.”

Hannity also took to Twitter to announce his intentions; “Stay tuned. Need more Intel,” and “I hired 4 of the countries [sic] best attorneys. THE CONSTITUTION MATTERS!!”

This April the New York Times reported that Hannity met with the president to discuss him being unmasked. “Any conversation I have with ANYONE is supposed to be PRIVATE. I have NEVER talked to you. Was I surveilled and unmasked by u/NSA?” Hannity had stated as reported by the New York Times. Hannity later cleared the air by stating, “Thank u all for heads up. I have zero knowledge of any surveillance vs me or unmasking of me by The Obama administration. Nothing shocks me.”

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