Trump Called Priebus To Vent About Chief Of Staff Kelly

Reince Priebus
"Hey Reince, I gotta tell you - I miss you man! Please come back!"

On Thursday, Trump called former – and seemingly disgraced- White House Chief of Staff, Reince Priebus. However, what is even stranger was their topic of conversation. Apparently, Trump called to vent about the poor performance of his current Chief of Staff, Gen. John Kelly.

It seems that Kelly had done something to aggravate Trump, because reports suggest that Trump didn’t just call Priebus, but called many friends and advisors to rage against Kelly. The complaints against Kelly center around his handling of Rob Porter’s resignation this week over domestic abuse allegations. Porter was, up until recently, the Staff Secretary of the White House.

The Staff Secretary is responsible for making sure everyone gets daily key documents. The office of Staff Secretary has been described as the “Nerve Center of the White House,” so, needless to say, it’s an important and high-powered position.

Porter faces accusations from two ex-wives, in an article that was published by the Daily Mail. The Allegations revolve around claims that hat both physically and emotionally abused his ex-wives. Chief of Staff Kelly responded with an official statement, saying that he was “shocked” by the allegations.

“I was shocked by the new allegations released today against Rob Porter,” Kelly said. “There is no place for domestic violence in our society. I stand by my previous comments of the Rob Porter that I have come to know since becoming chief of staff and believe every individual deserves the right to defend their reputation,” he added.

It seems this scare has Trump looking to re-vet his entire staff and cabinet for overlooked liabilities and histories. For example, Trump has already inquired about Mick Mulvane – currently in the CFPB – as a new chief of staff to replace Kelly.

lawmakers had roundly criticized Kelly’s statements that seemed to be in support of Rob Porter, This includes Democratic Senator, Joe Kennedy, who thinks that supporting Rob Porter was a ‘bad decision’ by Kelly.

“I think Gen. Kelly has done an extraordinary job as chief of staff to President Trump. I think he’s a good man, and sometimes good people make bad decisions,” Kennedy added.

Porter has rebuffed all media contact after which he announced his resignation from the White House on Wednesday. Rob Porter called these claims as a part of a “coordinated smear campaign.”

“These outrageous allegations are simply false,” he added.

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