Trump Goes To Bat For Lyin’ Ted, Bad News For Democrats

Trump Rally
Ted and Trump... a Great team!

During the 2016 election, Ted Cruz and Donald Trump attacked each other trying to claim a victory in the primary, but now Donald is doing what he can to save Cruz’s job.

Ted Cruz, a Republican in the red state of Texas is having a hard time putting away Democratic candidate Beto O’Rourke. To help the Republicans hold on to a seat they have not lost since 1994, Donald Trump is traveling to Texas to campaign for Cruz.

A little over two years ago, this is what Donald Trump was saying about Ted Cruz.

Now things are a little different. Trump is the president and Cruz is in a heated battle, and with their backs against the wall, Trump has turned into a strong ally of the Texas Senator.

Trump will speak at a rally in Houston on Monday night to try and encourage voters to pick Ted Cruz. The line to the rally is already filling up. Sunday night, people started getting in line over 24 hours before the rally. People want to see Donald Trump.

The enthusiasm for the president has not waivered since his election and rowdy rallies in 2016, and this is exactly what Cruz needs. Republicans don’t want to give power back to the Democrats; they want a united front to challenge the left. Donald Trump supporting a many he once fiercely fought shows a unity on the right that is missing on the left.

With so many high-ranking people on the left jockeying for position ahead of the 2020 campaign, there is nobody like Trump that could support O’Rourke. Obama is hitting the campaign trail, but has not scheduled a stop to help O’Rourke.

Obama will be in Las Vegas at a rally with Salt-N-Pepa and DJ Spinderella campaigning for Nevada candidates.

With president Trump traveling to Houston to support Ted Cruz, we are seeing a more unified Republican party and that could serve them very well heading into the midterms in two weeks.

Do you think Trump is going to help push Ted Cruz past the finish line in Texas? Do you like seeing the two work together? Let us know in the comments below.

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He likes hunting, dogs, and supports the troops at home and abroad.