Trump Reps Ron DeSantis For Florida Gubernatorial Run

Ron DeSantis
Will he make it?

President Donald Trump, on Friday, declared his support for Republican Congressman Ron DeSantis. The young member of the House of Representatives is a charismatic graduate of both Harvard and Yale – and is a dyed-in-the-wool conservative.

On Friday, Trump tweeted DeSantis’ praises, saying “Congressman Ron DeSantis is a brilliant young leader, Yale and then Harvard Law who would make a GREAT Governor of Florida. He loves our country and is a true FIGHTER”

The Tampa Bay Times reports that DeSantis’ campaign for governor is expected to begin any day, and Trump’s endorsement came right as speculation has exploded about DeSantis’ chances – and on the heels of Trump’s visit to Florida, and his Mar-A-Lago home. Trump’s support is not surprising, considering that DeSantis is a close ally of President Donald Trump and has been seen with him a lot of times recently during a rally that took place earlier this December.

Politico reporter, Jake Sherman described the tweet, saying: “I can tell you this was a much-wanted tweet, per people close to DeSantis,”

A bit insight on the life and achievements of Mr. DeSantis, the candidate for governor has served in the military as a lawyer, being sworn into the Judge Advocate General Corps in 2004. First being a prosecutor and then being posted to SEAL Team One, performing his duties as the legal advisor to the SEAL Commander of Special Operations Task Force West stationed in Fallujah.

He contested the elections for the United States House Of Representatives in 2012, from Congressional District 7, in Florida. He was the most popular among the 6 candidates republican primary securing 39% of the polls after which he won against Democrat Heather Beaven with a 14% lead.

He has held congressional positions for Foreign Affairs, Judiciary and Government Reform and was the driving force behind the Faithful Execution of Law Act 2014, making the Department of Justice liable to give an explanation to the Congress if any federal government agency failed to enforce the law.

Mr. DeSantis has proven, he is an ideal representative of the Floridian People through his work in the congress, seems to be a good choice for being the governor of Florida in the upcoming elections of 2018.

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